Friday, May 28, 2010

Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy - Is it Normal to Have It?

Vaginal Discharge

There might be a certain amount of alarm that is associated with vaginal discharge during pregnancy but most of the time; it should be a normal thing for all women to have. Naturally there is a milky, thin fluid that discharges from the vagina regardless if pregnant or not. This is known as leucorrhea. But when the discharge is associated with a burning and itching sensation, and it has a fishy smell, this may be Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).

Vaginal infection that is Bacterial Vaginosis is known to be the most common infection in the vagina for women in pregnancy. In the United States, there are as much as 16% of women who are experiencing this during their pregnancy.

So what is BV? BV is an infection that is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria that is in your vagina. It is thought to be a mild vaginal infection but the kind of bacterial in BV is a different thing from the common yeast infection. Yeast infection is caused by candida albigans, but too much bacterial anaerobes is the cause of BV. Up to this moment, the experts are still unsure of the cause of the overgrowth of the bacteria.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of BV:

  • Vaginal discharge during pregnancy - white to gray discharge in the vagina which can be thin
  • There is a fishy odor, especially after having sex
  • And a less frequent burning and itching that is sometimes felt after urination.

But there are also a lot of women who don't experience these symptoms. Having to treat BV is similar to the treatment of yeast infection. Having to diagnose and treat this disease is similar to that of yeast infection. It can be diagnosed by the doctor talking a sample of the discharge and checking it under a microscope. It can also be diagnosed by checking the level of acidity in the vagina.

Receiving proper treatment for this disease that includes vaginal discharge during pregnancy should be a prompt thing because it can lead to more serious problems if left untreated. One of them includes pelvic inflammatory disease. For pregnant women, it can even cause your baby to have a low weight. There are antibiotics to treat them but the thing with this is that it can either cause your cells to weaken and die and or it can incubate the bacterial cells to make them more resistant to the medication.

If you want to get rid of the disease and you are not keen of going to the doctor because he might relate it with sexual reasons, there is an ebook available called Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom that gives you information of how you can treat it yourself. It is backed with five years of research and it's even proven to help you treat the worse cases of BV.