Friday, May 28, 2010

Natural Remedies to Treat Vaginal Discharge That Comes With Fishy Odor

Vaginal Discharge Odor

What is Normal Vaginal Discharge?
Actually a certain amount of normal discharge from vagina is good. It helps keeping your vagina hygienic and healthy. The normal discharge cleans dead cells and bacteria from the vagina. It is also normal for the color, texture, and quantity of vaginal fluids to vary in relation to your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you are ovulating (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when you are breastfeeding or when you are sexually excited.

Normal vaginal discharge does not have bad odor nor cause any inflammation or itching.

Vaginal Discharge that Comes with Strong "Fishy-like" Odor
If you found that your vaginal discharge comes with strong "fishy-like" odor, it could be an indication of bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection. It takes place when certain types of bacteria begin to grow excessively in the vagina. Though there are always bacteria in the vagina, there should be a certain amount of each kind and they must be well balanced.

When the bacteria are not in balance, vaginosis can take place. This can lead to a woman experiencing a vaginal discharge odor.

It is not Yeast Infection
Yeast Infection and Bacterial Vaginosis are two different things that can be easily confused. The major difference is the smell and the discharge. A yeast infection will have a cottage cheese-like discharge and usually not have an odor. Alternatively, a bacterial vaginosis will have a strong "fishy-like" odor and usually have a thin, milky or cream-like discharge.

What are The Natural Treatments for Vaginal Discharge Odor?
There are various types of natural remedies to treat vaginal discharge that comes with fishy odor. What works for one might not works for the other. Here are some effective natural remedies for vaginal discharge odor:

1. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is the most natural and most effective treatment that provides immediate relief of vaginal discharge odor.

Blend 1/5 cup of 3% antiseptic hydrogen peroxide with 1/5 cup of distilled water. Douche with this mixture twice daily for at least 3 days.

2. Acidophilus
This is a variation on the traditional remedy of actually spooning yogurt that contains live yogurt cultures into the vagina.

The insertion of acidophilus can help repopulate the vagina with the bacterial it needs to be healthy.

3. Folic Acid
It is simply a supplemental form of the B vitamin foliate that can help prevent and stop Bacterial Vaginosis as well as helping to strengthen the lining of the uterus.

4. Tea Tree Oil
This is a great natural topical antibiotic. The anti-fungal property of tea tree oil can help in fighting bacteria that cause vaginal discharge odor.

But please take a note that you must always dilute Tea Tree Oil before using it and never apply it directly to the vagina without being diluted, since it can cause an allergic reaction and a strong burning sensation.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can increase the acidity of vagina which is needed to take it back to a healthy environment. It will help re-balancing the pH levels and therefore start to give some relief from the irritation.

You can use apple cider vinegar by adding 10-12 drops to a warm bath and sit in it for about 20 minutes; it will give you rapid relief.