Monday, June 23, 2008

Surgery Procedures

Vaginal Plastic Surgery

Surgery is a medical specialty that uses both manual and instrumental techniques on a patient for a number of different reasons. Surgery can be performed to diagnose or treat a certain injury disease, to help improve bodily function, or to even improve cosmetic appearance. A medical procedure is typically considered a surgery when a patient’s live tissue is cut, and usually takes place in a sterile environment such as an operating room found in most hospitals. Surgeries are performed by licensed surgeons along with a number of different staff members, including nurses, physician’s assistants, and even medical students.

Plastic Surgery
One of the most common types of surgery is plastic surgery, which involves making changes to a patient’s outside appearance. Breast implants, also known as a breast augmentation, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures and is performed all over the United States. It involves reconstructing breast tissue and inserting a saline or silicon filled insert, in order to increase breast size and make both breasts of the same size, shape, and location.

Facelifts, known as rhytidectomy in medical terms, is a cosmetic procedure that is performed in order to give a more youthful appearance. It involves removing excess skin on the face and neck, while tightening underlying tissues to get rid of wrinkles caused by aging. The facial skin is cut and separated from the underlying tissues, and then pulled over the face where the excess skin is removed. This gives the skin a smoother and younger appearance, which is ideal for both men and women who are middle-aged.

Liposuction is another popular cosmetic procedure, and involves surgically removing excess fat from several different sites on the body. The stomach is the most common area for liposuction, but it can also be performed on the legs, thighs, buttocks, and many other locations. It is performed by first injecting the chosen site with a small amount of fluid, which helps to break the fat cells up and reduce bruising. The excess fat is then suctioned out through a small incision, which normally is around five to ten pounds each procedure. Find out more about other plastic surgery procedures such as rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, breast enlargement, lip augmentation and more.

Reconstructive Surgery
A cleft lip is a congenital deformity that is caused by abnormal facial development while in the womb. Children with cleft lips may have trouble nursing due to the inability to suck on a bottle, but it is most commonly corrected with surgery within a few months after birth. Cleft lips are very treatable, but the type of treatment depends greatly on the severity of the cleft. It is usually performed by stitching the two sections of the lip together that have been separated by the cleft, and must be done all the way into the nasal cavity if the cleft is that severe. The stitches are usually tucked up inside the nose when the procedure is complete, and the scar usually fades within years of the procedure being performed.

Breast reduction surgery is another reconstructive surgery that is commonly performed, and has the purpose of reducing breast size in both men and women. This procedure is usually performed when an individual’s breasts are larger than they wish, which may be causing back problems, shoulder pain, circulation problems, breathing issues, or even self-esteem issues. Breast reduction surgery is performed by removing excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breasts, while reducing the size and reconstructing the shape. A small vertical incision is made from the bottom of the areola, and the tissues are removed through the small opening.

Skin grafting is commonly performed on patients who have experienced serious wounds or burns, in order to replace the skin that was lost from their injury. Skin is removed from another area of the body using a dermatome, and then placed on the injured area with either stitches or staples. The donor site is unaffected, since hair follicles and other properties are left in place and able to fully heal after the procedure is completed. The injured area starts to grow new blood vessels into the new transplanted skin, and eventually heals like the donor area.

Ear reconstruction surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a procedure performed to correct protruding or misshapen ears. It is most commonly performed in children ranging from 4 to 14, but can also be performed in adults as well. Surgeons can repair misshaped ears by cutting out a small part of the cartilage in the ear, or by folding and stitching the cartilage rather than removing it. The incision is usually made behind the ear, so scars are usually unnoticeable.

Weight Loss Surgery
Lap Band surgery is a weight loss method that is performed on patients who are considered obese. It works by creating a small pouch at the stomach of the stomach, which is only able to hold about 50ml total. The patient will feel full after only eating a small amount of food, therefore being able to control portions and lose weight over time. It does not require any organs to be cut or removed, and the band is eventually removed once the patient has reached their healthy weight loss goals.

Stomach stapling, also called Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, is the most common weight loss procedure currently performed. Both a band and staples are used to create a small pouch in the stomach, which limits the amount of food a patient can eat while slowing down the digestive process. This makes patients feel full for a longer period of time, therefore reducing caloric intake and allowing weight loss to occur. This method is becoming less popular as the lap band is being used by more and more physicians.

Gastric bypass surgery is another method that is used to treat obesity. It is performed by first dividing the stomach into a smaller upper pouch and a larger lower pouch, which are both reconstructed to connect to the small intestine. This technique restricts the amount of food that can be eaten by patients, making it easier to lose weight while still feeling satisfied.

Non-Cosmetic Surgery
Mesotherapy is a non-cosmetic surgery procedure that involves multiple injections into the fat cells. Pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications are used in the injections, along with vitamins, plant extracts, as well as many other ingredients. It is used to target areas of the body with excess fat, and works by breaking up the cells and making them easier to get rid of over time.

Collagen, the main protein found in many animals, is used as a healing aid for burn patients, along with many other orthopedic and surgical procedures. Collagen injections can be injected into the lips to add a more voluptuous look, which is an outpatient procedure that only takes a short time to recover from. It can also be injected into the facial area to reduce the sign of wrinkles, but only has a temporary effect and must be repeated for long-lasting results. Botox injections are the most common treatment for the signs of aging, by being injected into the face to reduce wrinkles and loose skin. It is considered a non-surgical face-lift, since it tightens and smoothes the skin without having to undergo surgery. It is also used to treat painful muscle spasms, along with migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and some neuromuscular disorders.

Dermabrasion, a cosmetic procedure that targets older generations, works by softening the skin and making it appear more youthful. The surface of the epidermis is removed, with a procedure that is similar to sanding. Dead skin cells and those making the skin look rough are removed, and allow the soft and undamaged skin to show on the surface. It can also be used to remove scars that are on the surface of the skin, but can leave the skin red and inflamed directly after a procedure is performed.

A chemical peel is similar to Microdermabrasion, but works by causing the skin to blister and eventually peel off. This allows the lower layers of the epidermis to remain on the top, which appears smoother, more youthful, and free of most blemishes. Chemical peels can be used to get rid of acne or other surface scars, while smoothing out wrinkles as well. Also be sure to check out laser skin resurfacing and it's various benefits.