Monday, June 23, 2008

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Plastic Surgery

Modern women are very aware of their body and their sexuality. She wishes to have a perfect body and a perfect sex life. Unfortunately her body itself may sometimes be an obstacle to her in finding sexual gratification. This happens when the muscles of the vagina and the supporting tissues become weak and flaccid. This may be due to multiple childbirth or aging. This condition is called vaginal relaxation and this loss of tightness in the muscles leads to decrease in sexual pleasure. This also leads to stress incontinence where urine is involuntarily passed at times of bodily stress like coughing or sneezing. Today women do not have to suffer all this in silence.

Traditionally vaginal surgery has been used to correct pelvic prolapse, to repair effects of female circumcision and abnormalities due to imbalance of hormones.

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is a modification of the traditional surgery. Lasers are used for speed, precision and to minimize blood loss. This technique is usually employed for reconstructive purposes and is becoming increasingly popular among women all over the world.

The procedure is used to tighten the walls of the vagina and the supporting tissue surrounding the vagina. This increases the elasticity and tone of the muscles of the vaginal canal and the inner and outer dimensions of the vagina are effectively decreased. This helps the woman to have a greater control over the strengthened muscles. This increases friction during intercourse which in turn increases the feeling of sexual pleasure. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is also used to reconstruct the labia and other vulva structures for an aesthetic appearance. The strengthening and toning of the vaginal muscles corrects the medical problem of stress incontinence too. Women with ruptured hymen can get it reconstructed using this technique. Sometimes it is also used to perforate the hymen when it is found to be too hard to break naturally. The procedure also helps to give a youthful look and feel to aging patients.

It is an outpatient procedure and takes less than 2 hours. Lasers are used for the surgery and this makes it a bloodless procedure as there is minimal loss of blood. There is some scarring like in any other surgery. The recovery time is 2 weeks and sexual contact can be renewed in two months.

There are some risks and disadvantages to this reconstructive procedure. The procedure is costly. There is a risk of infection and bleeding and if the muscles are tightened too much, there may be pain during sexual intercourse. As the vaginal area is a very sensitive area with a heavy concentration of nerve endings there may be a loss of sensation due to damage caused to the nerves. The bladder or rectum may also be injured during the surgery. This may result in further surgery to correct the problems.

Some in the medical field are skeptical and find such cosmetic treatments unethical but in spite of it the number of women turning to cosmetic surgery to get a younger body is increasing day by day.