Monday, July 20, 2009

Vaginal Plastic Surgery Reshapes Large or Uneven Labia

Vaginal Plastic Surgery

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that vaginal rejuvenation is one of the fastest-growing plastic surgery procedures in the U.S. -- increasing 30% between 2005 and 2006 alone. One of the most popular of these procedures is labiaplasty, plastic surgery to reduce and/or balance the size of the labia minora, or inner vaginal lips.

Although the trend may have started in LA and New York, it has clearly made its way into America's heartland. Women of all ages and backgrounds are seeking labiaplasty.

Why are so many women opting for labiaplasty?
Several factors are contributing to the rising popularity of labiaplasty:

  • The overall increase in plastic surgery.
  • The popularity of bikini waxing -- making women more aware of how their genitals look.
  • The abundance of sexually explicit material on TV, online and in print -- giving women a standard of comparison for their genitals' appearance.
What causes abnormally shaped vaginal lips?
Large or uneven vaginal lips can be caused by genetics, childbirth or hormonal changes. Surgery addresses the structure and function of the vaginal lips
Labiaplasty can correct problems with both the appearance and functionality of a woman's genitals. Some women are embarrassed because their large labia are noticeable when wearing a bathing suit or tight-fitting jeans. Others with large vaginal lips have pain or discomfort during sex or while exercising or riding a bicycle.

Sometimes labiaplasty is covered by insurance
Large or uneven labia can also cause problems with urination and feminine hygiene. The extra skin is very prone to excessive moisture and infections. If the surgery is medically necessary, it may be covered by health insurance.

In some cases, women seek labiaplasty after their sexual partner has made a comment about their genitalia. But more often, the woman is motivated by her own physical and/or psychological discomfort with her body.

A patient shares her story
"Carol," a 26-year-old woman, had labiaplasty to correct her large, uneven labia. "I had a two-inch flap of extra skin on one side, and a one-inch flap on the other," she recalls. "It was very embarrassing in sexual situations," she admits. "I'd have irritation, scraping and bleeding during sex -- and the extra skin irritated my partner, too."

After her labiaplasty, Carol could hardly wait to see the results. "I've already seen myself in the mirror," she said shortly after surgery. "I love it! I feel like a normal woman!"

Allan J. Parungao, MD, is an Oak Park, Illinois plastic surgeon board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is author of A Woman's Guide to Cosmetic Breast Surgery and Body Contouring (Addicus Books, 2006). Visit Dr. Parungao's web site at or call his office at 708.660.3223.

For more information on labiaplasty, visit

Article Source:,_MD